Domaine de Montine

Domaine De Montine - Emotion 2019


Country: France  Region: Rhone  Vintage: 2019

Category: Red Wine  Color: Red

Producer: Domaine de Montine

Grignan les Adhémar is the new name for Tricastin and Domaine de Montine is one of the best-known names here. A family business, just outside Grignan, this has well-placed vines and makes wine in all three colours. Why buy from here? The answer is freshness. This part of the Rhône is almost at an intermediary stage between north and south. The syrah grape works well here as do all the whites, ripening without undue haste, and the wines are inexpensive and quality on the way up.

The domaine was established in 1933 when Albert Monteillet bought the land and is now run by Melina Monteillet, the fourth generation to take the reins. Surrounded by lavender fields she farms without using chemicals, either pesticides or herbicides, and all fertilisers are organic. The soil is chalk and light clay, and work in the vineyards is all done by hand so each vine gets individual attention and green harvesting lowers yields before the ripe grapes are harvested at night for maximum freshness.
Grape Variety: 
50% Syrah 50% Grenache


Some of our eldest vines, growing on a clay and limestone soil. They provide us with a dense and full bodied wine.


The provision in organic fertilizer is strictly reserved to the plot of land concerned, and is done in a respectful ground/plant harmony. Tillage and grass covering are done one row out of two.
Manual work on growing vines. High trellising (3 or 4 wires).
Green harvest and leaf thinning depending on the vintage. We practice morning harvest.


The grapes are 100% destemmed. Fermentation and maceration in traditional concrete vats during around 4 weeks.
Daily pumping over during the first two weeks, then marc cap immersion until manual runoff. Daily temperature control.
Maturation period lasting 12 months 2 to 4 years old oak barrels.
Alcohol content : 14%


Fine cuisine : marinated meats, rib roast, cheeses, duck, 7 hour cooked lamb roast... Enthusiasts take note !


To enjoy straight away, or keep 5 to 10 years.


With its crimson dark and deep red colour, this wine is clearly full and fleshy.
The discreet first scent will open nicely after pouring in a Decanter. Step by step, Emotion unveils ... Slightly spicy, it reveals some well mastered, fine and elegant aging flavours.
It becomes powerful in the mouth, with soft and round tannins that bring beautiful length on the palate. We really make sure this wine is alive and humble, as it is our house flagship.
This cuvee perfectly embodies our “Grignan-les-Adhémar” vineyard and its complexity.