Grgich Hills Estate

Grgich Hills Napa Valley Chardonnay (Organic) Single Bottle


Country: USA Region: Napa Valley

Varietal: Chardonnay Vintage: 2021

Colour: White Style: Dry

Producer: Grgich Hills Estate

Miljenko “Mike” Grgich first gained international recognition at the celebrated “Paris Tasting” of 1976. Then, in a now-historic blind tasting, a panel of eminent French judges swirled, sniffed, and sipped an array of the fabled white Burgundies of France and a small sampling of upstart Chardonnays from the Napa Valley. When their scores were tallied, the French judges were shocked: they had chosen the 1973 Chateau Montelena Chardonnay, crafted by Mike Grgich,  as the finest white wine in the world. Mon Dieu! The results stunned the international wine establishment and immediately earned Mike a reputation as one of the greatest winemakers in the world.

We can't praise the quality of this wine enough, words such as elegant, focused, impressive and masterful all fit this wine superbly. The winemaker needs no introduction and the wine definitely screams quality. In Burgundy for this quality you will pay very dearly indeed.


Tasting Note:

Burgundian in style with elegant mineral complexity combined amazing acidity.. Aromas of a green apples and honeysuckle lead to a palate that is both silky and generous. Flavours of honey,spice and baked bread from sur lie aging while maintaining a delicious fruit profile with lemon cake.

Food Matching

Tuna, Trout, Sushi, St Stephen's Day, Squid, Soft Cheeses, Shellfish, Seafood, Salads, Roasts, Poultry, Oysters, Mature Cheeses, Lobster, Lamb, Hard Cheeses, Grilled Vegetables, Game, Fine Dining, Duck, Christmas Dinner, Cheeses, Charcuterie