Cento Cavalli

Zabu Vigneti Grillo


Country: Italy Region: Sicily

Varietal: Grillo

Colour: White Style: Dry

Producer: Vigneti Zabu

The wines of Zabu are made by Alana McGettigan and Matt Thomson at a private winery in the hills outside of Trapani. The best sites on the estate's vineyards are reserved for Nero d' Avola and Grillo Grillo is one of Sicily's best white grape varieties as this unoaked white wine illustrates.

Tasting Note:
Pale lemon in colour. This wine is unoaked to preserve the aromatic qualities of the fruit. It has a lovely lime zest character on the nose, with full yet balanced fruit on the palate and a fresh, lifted character on the finish.

Food Matches: Mussels / Shellfish / Smoked Fish / Veal