Antonella Corda

Antonella Corda Vermentino


Country: Italy   Region: Sardinia

Varietal: Vermentino  Vintage: 2021 

Colour: White Style: Dry

Producer: Antonella Corda 


Antonella Corda, the granddaughter of the famed viticulturalist Antonio Argiolas, founded her winery in 2010 after finishing her masters in viticulture and winemaking at the prestigious Edmund Mach Foundation. Her approach blends a proud, century-old family tradition of winemaking with ambition and innovation. Antonio, who lived to the age of 104, left Antonella two of his prized vineyards, located around the village of Sardana, a few kilometres north of Cagliari. The mild climate, water availability and the rich calcareous soils here give the wines a unique character and a signature freshness. Antonella follows a sustainable approach and the vineyards are farmed organically.

Tasting Note:

The nose is fragrant and intense with aromas of peach and tropical fruit with aromatic hints of sage and capers. The aromas carry on to the palate where the refreshing acidity brightens the wine. The finish is long and lingering.

Food Matches: Fish / Vegetarian / Seafood