are Irelands oldest online wine store. We started in 1998, over 15 years ago. Since that time a lot has changed. Our website has served us for those first 15 years and to we are hopeful our makeover will serve us for the second 15. We havent thought about the third 15 years yet cos that's, well.. 15 years away.

Over the next few weeks ill be posting about some of the experiences we've had and issues we have ran into in the whole process of our revamp. We met some amazing companies over the last few months and have had great fun putting it together. 

Ease of use was key for us when putting a new website together and you should find our newer site more user friendly than before. 

We have spent the past few weeks putting together finishing touches and as I type we're 5 days away from launch. Its Saturday, a dreary Saturday in Dublin and all thats keeping me warm while I type is my Americano cos my office is freezing -Ive spent the day putting all the detail and  text into the Guide to Grapes section of the new site. Its a fairly informative guide to the many different grapes out there, some common and some not so!  If you want to check that out you can check this temporary link here 

Ill post up later in the week as we get ready to go live. When we are live I will drop some posts about the various barriers to online and the issues facing Irish businesses getting online. Currently €1 in every €4 that we spend on the internet in Ireland leaves the country. Im all behind using a common sharing of information so that more businesses can get online here and as a result we will create more jobs. We have made some of the mistakes and wasted time doing things that the next in line should be able to learn from. 

Keep your eyes peeled on Thursday next as we press the big red button. Please bear with us if you visit as we iron out any unforeseen hiccups - we'll give you free wine if you bear with us - Take care 





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